Thursday, April 9, 2009


As the Pastor leading a trip I was concerned about the reports of violence with the
drug cartels etc. I came very close to canceling, but I read Ken’s Blog explaining that there were no problems in San Luis.

Our week here was as safe and enjoyable as any I’ve ever had. As I was preaching one evening I spoke of God’s authority over the devil and his forces. I was immediately convicted as I realized I hadn’t practiced what I was now preaching.

Of course we have to use wisdom; there are sections of Mexico too hot to travel to right now. But I’m reminded of the story of Elijah and his servant. An army was chasing the Prophet and trapped him in Dothan. In the morning the servant went out and saw a vast army surrounding the city and he cried out to his master. Elijah
said, “Don’t be afraid, those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” Elijah prayed for his servant to see with spiritual eyes and when he looked he saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elijah. Needless to say they won the battle.

I think about this, “What if we had cancelled?” Hungry people would have gone without the hundreds of pounds of beans & rice we distributed. The 5 church services where people were encouraged and saved would have been diminished. Sick and hurting people in the rehab center, nursing homes and prison would have gone without our music, preaching, love and gifts. Most of all 33 little boys and
girls would have missed out on puppet shows, balloons, stick-on tattoos, face painting, a pizza/birthday party and the hugs, kisses and affection they so desperately need.

I’m no hero and I’ve never been adventurous but, Jesus, Peter, Paul and thousands of other disciples were. Either we serve the God of “Horses and chariots of Fire” or we don’t. After a fruitful week of ministry in San Luis I’ve reached this conclusion: The drug cartels, kidnappers, murderers and thieves should fear US and the God we serve because we come in His name and His power not our own.

Be Blessed

Pastor Gary

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