Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Psalm 126:3
“The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.”

Living in the Northeast there is only one thing I like about January; it is the beginning of a brand new year with 365 opportunities for me to serve God and for Him to do the wonderful things He does.

Forty years ago I was a lost and confused young man with no future. But God had a plan, He always does. I could never have dreamed that I would become a Christian, be blessed with a wonderful wife, three children and seven grandchildren and called to be a Pastor.

I had an earthly perspective not a heavenly one and I didn’t have a vision. But now I do. The first time I went to San Luis twenty years ago, all I saw was broken down orphanage, a small soup kitchen and a lot of hurting people. I had no idea that Bethel Orphanage would be transformed into a beautiful haven for these precious children. I didn’t envision Oasis Boy’s Home, Caring Hearts Church, Doers of the Word Bible school, the growth of Brother Jose’s Good Samaritan Feeding Ministry, medical mission’s trips, hundreds of groups going down to help, and now a ministry to the blind.

God thinks so big and we think so small. Who knows what God is going to do in San Luis through Caring Hearts Ministries in 2011. We need to pray for our Mexican brothers and sisters as their nation goes through such a dark and violent time.

But God has a plan for Mexico that no one can imagine and no one can stop! Thank you for giving, going and praying. May the Lord do great things for you in this coming year

God bless you Pastor Gary

Monday, December 27, 2010


Here are some pictures from the Bethel Christmas day celebration. We want to thank all of the sponsors who helped bless their children this year.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Friday, December 24, 2010


We are quite busy as usual as we enter into Christmas Eve.  Work on the blind center has gone smoothly and we are close to being ready for the next group who will put up the trusses, roof and other things.  We have also seen a number of guests come through from California, Arizona and San Luis RC to help the kids have a good Christmas.  Here are some highlights:

The Junior and Senior high students were involved in a Christmas parade put on by the Kino School.  Here are some pictures.

 Carmen, Fernando, Rosita and Lupita
Laura and Karely

 Fernando and Lupita lead their class.
Carmen, Mario and Antonio´s class float.

Kendi was involved in her schools Christmas program.

 Local friends came to bless the children of Caring Hearts

Hands Extended Ministries of Yuma AZ had a time of games, lunch and presents for the Caring Hearts Children and also kids from the church that they sponsor.  Thank you Sherry! 
 Musical Chairs.
 Winners of the Musical Chairs Contest - Adult Edition.
Coming down to the wire during Musical Chairs. 

Fun times with Hands Extended!

Ines and her mother had a dinner for some of the shut ins.

Our friends from Lake Havasu City blessed the soup kitchen.  

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Hey Friends of Caring Hearts!

If you have access to CTVN out of Pittsburgh (and if you are reading this you do have access, because they are on the internet too, at www.ctvn.org), make sure you tune in at 7:00 PM EST to see Focus 4.  They will be doing a fundraiser tonight for the Center for the Blind.  Harold McKamish, Blake Richert and Pastor James Leake will be on hand to explain the vision and share progress.  I will also be making an appearance via internet.  Please call in a pledge to help support this project, let´s show them the love of our Caring Hearts Family tonight, and say hi to Papa Harold. 

Here are some pictures of the blind people selling wreaths that they made.  They are not just sitting back waiting for a hand out, they are getting involved in the project in any way they can.  Hope to see you tonight on CTV!


Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I am finally getting caught up.  We are still real busy, working on the blind center, finishing up the first half of the school year, and working with Christmas visitors.  I have some testimonies from the November groups I want to share with you.  I hope you enjoy reading what God did through the group from Walnut Grove Assembly of God.  

This was my first missions trip and I pray that I will not forget the experiences from here.  All of the individuals that I met seem to be genuinely happy.  You know that the folks here at Bethel love and care for one another.  The building project and other outreach events were fun and a great learning experience.  The people here love one another and love the Lord Jesus.  That will be what I remember the most. – Jim

It is just a blessing to come to San Luis and work for the Lord.  This is my fourth trip and the Lord makes each trip new and wonderful.  Thanks to all the Caring Heart staff for their hard work to make the trip run smooth. – Bill

I was amazed at how joyful those children are.  They have only just the basics and are still so happy.  Watching them makes you realize how ungrateful you can be for what God has blessed you with.  Also, how easily and brightly the light of God shines through people down here is astounding.  They are so kind and thankful and understanding.  The trip has only strengthened my walk with Christ and makes me want to do more missions.  – Eric

This was mine and Bobbys' first trip to lead a group for a mission to San Luis.  We had a small group and consider it Gods' grace so that we can ease into this and learn as we go.  We worked on Marcelos' family house painting, installing doors, plumbed a bathroom and installed the tub and toilet and built a room on the back for storage.  We only had six others for a total of eight in our group, but with Gods' help, lots of prayer, and fellowship we got a lot of work done, with no injuries or sickness - Praise His Name!  Marcelo himself and a brother and friend Javier and Adalberto were with us every day.  It is every mans' testimony that they learned from Marcelo and Javier and vice versa.  We visited the rehab center, the jail and the dump to minister at each and walked away incredibly blessed by the faith and love of God that some already knew and how we watched some come to know.  It is such an honor to serve such a mighty and wonderful God and to be used by him to serve such wonderful, loving people.  The people of San Luis.  Bless you always. – LorI

This is my third trip and Lord willing not my last.  Love to be part of Walnut Grove Mission Team and contribute in any way I can.  John

Thursday, December 9, 2010


The Earthen Vessel of our friend Jesse was laid to rest yesterday.  We will miss him greatly, but are encouraged by the truth that he is rejoicing in a new body with the Lord, and if he could, he would tell us to keep on serving the Lord, because it is worth it.

Jesse and his family lived a humble life by faith, with a small stipend from the Bible School and the offerings from his small church.  There was no insurance or savings account.  The expenses for his funeral were around $850.  We have helped his wife Isa with this by faith, and we could use your help as well.  If you loved and appreciated Jesse's ministry, please consider blessing his family by helping with these expenses.  Let us know what you can do by writing:

You can send your pledge to Caring Hearts,
1 Signal Hill Dr., Wall, PA 15148-1499.  Put in a note that it is for Jesse's family.

Thank you and God bless.


Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Our Bible School Teacher Jesse Figeroa has gone on to be with His Lord and Savior, in a new body, to enjoy his reward for all eternity.  Please pray for his friends and family who will miss him greatly as we continue on in this earth.