Wednesday, June 24, 2009


We're back! It has been a while since I have done some posting here. For those who check on a regular basis, sorry about that! I know what it is like to check friends blogs and not get any news, we all start to worry. Everything is going OK, just been busy.

I wanted to give the final result of our last poll. I wanted to know more about who checks us out, and the results show that our more recent visitors are those who come to the blog (and fill out the poll!) 80% of the 51 who filled out the poll have been here in the last year and a half. We have 13% who have not been in over 2 years, and 3 faithful viewers who have never been to San Luis, 5% of the total. Thank you for filling out the poll.

Our new poll looks into the future. Let us know if you will be coming THIS year, NEXT year or if you are hoping to coming. If you will not be able to visit or live here, let us know as well. Thanks for caring for Caring Hearts and keep on checking in, more reports on the way!!!

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