Saturday, January 31, 2009


Here is a very small word that can lead people to accomplish very big things. That word is "Go". Jesus seemed to be fond of this little verb. In Matt. 9:13, He told the Pharisee's to "Go" and learn the value of mercy over sacrifice. In John. 8:11, after refusing to condemn the woman caught in adultery, He said to her, "Go now and leave your life of sin." But perhaps His greatest use of this word was when He gave His disciples the Great Commission to .. "Go and make
Disciples of all Nations." My first trip to San Luis was 20 Years ago, June of 1989. Since then Renee' and I have made numerous trips, but illness and the birth of our Grandson have prevented us from going the last 3 years. As I write this I'm in the middle of buying Airline tickets, reserving vans, and doing all the prep work for our trip in     March. About a dozen of us will leave Pittsburgh and meet up with Kevin Macfee, my son Matt, and about 35 College Students from Arizona.  It's going to be a lot of traveling and a lot of work, but it's worth it to see the looks on the faces of the children when we arrive and the gratitude and warmth of the villagers when we sing, preach, and hand out rice and beans. Many of you have been making this journey over the years and have had the same great experiences. If someone
were to ask me why I raise the money, sit through the long flight and drive, then go do the hard work we do in San Luis, I could give them a lot of reasons, but I'll mention just three.
1) Jesus said, "Go". That command was not for just the 12.  It applies to all believers.
2) It blesses me more than it blesses the people we minister to and reminds me of what serving Jesus is all about.
3) There are people in San Luis today, who are sick, hungry, homeless and lost who won't be when our mission is done.
Whether you give, pray or go, thank you for supporting Caring Hearts.
You are making a difference today!
Be Blessed Pastor Gary

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