Thursday, January 1, 2009


I use a large desktop calendar and of course at the end of each month I tear off the top page. After 31 days of use the once bright white leaf is covered with scribble, smudges and iced tea stains. On the new one, which is fresh and clean, I neatly fill in the blocks that represent each day with scheduled meetings, services and events knowing that in 4 ½ weeks this page too will be stained and tattered when I tear it off and put another month behind me. Eventually I
reach this time of year when I tear off the last page and realize that another year is over. All the things that were written down on that calendar were done or not done, but that time is gone and 12 new fresh white pages lie before me, their ruled lines and numbered blocks ready
for new assignments. Sometimes our best plans fall short. Other times little things that didn't even make the calendar turn out to be our most successful endeavors. As we begin 2009, the whole world is holding its breath to see what is going to happen with the economy as
one bad report follows another. Of course we need to be wise and plan accordingly, but we have to remember that God has plans to give His people hope and a future. As you read this letter there are families in San Luis going through hard times we can't even imagine. Before 2009 is out they will have to make the gut wrenching decision to place their child in Bethel Orphanage. In other homes a single parent will die leaving a child who will end up at our gates. God has a plan for those children and you and I are privileged to be a part of it. Your giving, your going, and your praying has virtually saved lives in 2008 and now God will use you to give hope and a future to a child in San Luis in 2009. Don't be afraid of what the New Year will bring. Be amazed at what God has done and will do through you. Be Blessed in 2009, Pastor Gary

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