Wednesday, October 28, 2009


He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine.
Luke 12:34

With these words Jesus described what the Good Samaritan did for the man he found lying on the side of the road left for dead. Picture these scenarios; a woman lies in bed in a shack covered with cardboard and plastic sheeting, coughing and wheezing. She has no money for a doctor. In walks some American Christians with a physician who treats her and gives her medicine for free.

A man has a tooth that has been aching for weeks. Not only can he not afford a dentist, he cannot afford any kind of medicine to dull the pain. He is taken to the clinic that Caring Hearts set up and is treated for free. The pain is finally gone.

Another man needs glasses, a woman has struggled with back pain, a child has had a bronchial infection for weeks, and none of them have any money, medicine or even vitamins. But God has moved on the hearts of doctors, nurses, dentists, chiropractors, pastors and volunteers to travel thousands of miles to treat these people for free. Like the Good Samaritan they didn’t need a special reason or calling to get involved. They saw people in need and responded the way God responds to us; with love and compassion. On last month’s annual Caring Hearts Medical Mission’s trip, 6,182 people were treated in six days. That’s more than a thousand people a day. Even more wonderful than that 795 people accepted Jesus as their Savior receiving a healing for their souls that will last for all eternity.

Thank you, all of you who prayed, gave, went and worked on this trip. You were truly “A Neighbor” to these precious people in need.

Be Blessed
Pastor Gary.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


This is my third trip to San Luis for a Medical Mission Trip. Every time I come here I am impressed by the love and compassion of everyone associated with Caring Hearts Ministries. This is a life changing experience. There is so much need here in Mexico and yet the people are kind, gracious and patient. The love of Christ is being shown to a lost and dying world and is changing it, one person at a time. I wish all my days could be as fruitful for the Lord as my time here in Mexico. I will definitely be back I brought my son with me this time. He loved it. – Dr. Rick

We love the precious little girls and boys at Bethel. They are always ready to receive and give a hug. We marvel at the progress and development of the children at both Bethel and Oasis. The boys from Oasis have become fine young men. They show respect and they will be leaders in there generation. – Jim and Becky

It is just great to be able to interact with people here who are in need. – Shelly

I went out to visit the shut ins one day and one of the women stated that she hadn’t had a seizure since the last time one of our grops had visited her. That had been about two months. Praise the Lord! – Paul


Our friend Chris Clarke from Maryland came once again to entertain the folks waiting for the doctors and to take pictures. Here are some portraits he took during the medical clinic, the Faces of San Luis


Hey Everybody!

Whew!!! It is over! We have had a few days to get everything back to normal, and I am finally getting a chance to give you the final report on the medical clinic. We all feel it was a great success despite the fact that we had fewer doctors and nurses come in. Thanks to the new city government, we were able to provide services beyond what we imagined. Here are the final totals:

4767 Patients received:

Medical Treatments 2645
Optical Treatments 2342
Dental Treatments 298
Chiropractor Treatments 837
Shut In Treatments 60
Total Treatments 6182

Of those 795 declared that they had received the Lord for the first time, Praise the Lord!

Keep checking in for photo reports coming soon!

Thursday, October 8, 2009



Here is a report on day 4 of the medical clinic:

Medical Treatments 561
Optical Treatments 521
Dental 51
Chiropractor 154

1043 Patients received 1287 Treatments

Grand 4 day total:
3176 Patients have received 3973 Treatments.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Here is a report on day 3 of our clinic.

542 Medical Treatments
490 Optical Treatments
41 Dental Treatments
151 Chiropractic Treatments

Total Treatments: 1224
Total Patients Seen: 909

3 Day Total:
2133 Patients have received
2686 Treatments

Day 4 has started well, we opened a new outside site at Casa Emmanuel, and things are flowing smoothly at Bethel.

Yesterday we took a team to see some shut ins. All were blessed and moved to see these people in desperate situations. With the little they have, they joyfully received and thanked us for the care given.

Keep praying!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


We are in the third day of our clinic. So far we have given out 1620 treatments to 1066 patients in the first two days. God is moving as we have personal ministry to the people thanks to many volunteers from our church. We thank the 25th Mayor's Office for their help sending doctors, nurses and dentists. Keep checking in for more reports, here are some pictures.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Yesterday members of our preliminary setup team went out to give glasses to people in the dump and rehab centers. They shared 110 glasses with needy people. I was busy promoting the clinic over the TV airwaves and getting other things ready. We are looking to have an exciting time as today the rest of the doctors, nurses and support staff come in. Tomorrow is the big day, be praying that God uses us in a great way.

Friday, October 2, 2009


Our friend Maria Ines Ibarra, who we support in her ministry to the shut ins, was featured recently in a news report by one of Mexico's national news programs in a segment called Anonymous Heroes. Here is the link to the report:


And here is the translation of the report:

Narrator: The wrinkles of being forgotten, indifference and ingratitude, Francisco, who is 70 years old, picked up cans to survive in the streets of San Luis Rio Colorado, Sonora.

Francisco: She found me looking for cans near (avenida) Nuevo Leon and she said why are you living in the street, we have a little house where you can stay, and I went to live with her family.

Narrator: Maria Inez is a woman dedicated to her family, but also to a work that gives an opportunity for a dignified last steps of life for these eldery people.

Ines: When I meet someone, like him, I cannot be indifferent to their pain, it becomes my pain, and it doesn’t matter what has happened to them, I try to help them the best I can.

Narrator: Maria Inez is the mother of four children and has opened up her home to these needy elderly people.

Ines: I have had 5 who I have cared for who have passed away. One I took care of for 2 years, another 3 years. I was taking care of two in their homes at the same time that I had to change their diapers, bathe them feed them and care for their wounds, and now I think, now that they have passed on , how did I have time, I would go three times a day to each one.

Ines’ Dad: It makes feel good that my daughter helps people who truly need help, because we don’t know that we may be in the same place someday.

Narrator: She visits other to give out food items.

Salvador: She visits me and has helped me a lot. I suffer a lot, and my legs are tired, but she helps me, with a little or a lot.

Narrator: Maria Ines is tireless.

Ines: In a typical time out, I take my kids to school and take some to the elderly day care center, others I take to the hospital and help with their medicines.

Narrator: Her six brothers and sisters have joined together with her because they learned from their parents to help their neighbor without expecting anything in return.

Ines´ Dad: I have seen families where the children have abandoned their parents, even though they have a good life and could help them, but they abandon them like they were animals.

We are proud of Ines, and she deserves this honor, she truly is a hero to the people she ministers too, and we are happy we can be a part of what God is doing through her. Please take some time and see the brief report, and pray for Ines.


We had an early start to the ministry at our clinic. Our preliminary team has been ministering in the dump and rehab centers. We had a meeting with the new mayor which went well. After the meeting we were driving back to the orphanage, and we saw a man scooting along in a wheel chair, which was in deplorable conditions (see picture above). I said, "Hey, I think we have one at the orphanage we can give him." So we turned around, picked him up and his wheel chair and brought him to Bethel. There we gave him a nice wheelchair that he can use. Our shut in minister Inez was also at Bethel and she asked if we had a wheelchair for a guy at the park, and I said, "Hey, check out the guy in the car, maybe it is the same one you are helping." And it was!

The next day Harold and I were at a TV station doing an interview. They were showing a prerecorded report, and in that report were pictures of people in the downtown park. All of a sudden, a picture of the guy in his old wheel chair came up, and we said, he, we gave that guy a new wheel chair. We were able to share the testimony with the people over the air waves. Isn't God good?

Pray for Ruben and his new wheel chair, he joyfully and boldly proclaimed is love for the Word of God.