Here are some testimonies from the Crossway Church group, led by their pastor Chris Gibbs. They were involved in the construction of a house and ministry throughout the city. I want to thank Blake and Adalberto for filling in for me as we left in the middle of this groups time. It is obvious from the testimonies that all went well and they and the people of San Luis were blessed.
This was my first trip to Mexico. It was an awesome eye opening experience to what goes on outside of my comfort zone. I was amazed at how when I arrived I felt so comfortable and the kids came up to me right away wanting hugs. I had some worries about going out into the community and visiting with the shut ins, and doing the street ministering but God is wonderful and I felt His presence and peace everywhere I went. The staff is fantastic and took excellent car of us. The facilities were clean and neat. I loved this trip. – Wendy
I have never been on a mission trip before. I did not know what to expect. My experience here makes me want to come back here and go on other mission trips around the world. The kids were so much fun to play with. I thought it would be difficult to communicate with everyone here, but so many of the people know some English. It also was cool to use some of my Spanish that I have learned in school here. The heat was very different, but it really made us realize how fortunate we are in PA to have such an average climate. Overall it was better than what I expected. Even the preparations and the travel to Mexico was very fun. I am very sad that it is over. – Jacob
My trip to San Luis was eye opening! I am thrilled to know that Americans with Mexicans are doing such a fine job ministering to the children. The outreach ministries blessed me in so many ways. It was wonderful to see the love of Christ in the eyes of the children. Caring Hearts Ministries will always be in my prayers. – Patrick
This was my first missions trip and I am completely blown away by the experience. To see and feel the love given to us, perfect strangers is life changing. Relationships have been built in so short a time that one would expect to take months or years to build. All by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray I leave Bethel orphanage, San Luis Rio Colorado and Mexico a little more joyful than I found them. For I am infinitely more joyful for having spent this time here. – Ed
I wasn’t sure what to expect coming to Mexico, but when I got here, I knew that God was going to move. The people were great and it was great to be able to bless our brothers and sisters in Mexico. –Matthew
Caring Hearts has changed my life forever. The kids that just love to be hugged. The people in the rehabs that hang on every word and the residents of the villages that long to be prayed for. I have been stretched, I have been blessed, but most of all I have been changed. This is my third time in San Luis and each time God has opened my eyes to see His amazing love in new and unique ways. - Chris
I came to Mexico expecting to see cold-hearted people living in poverty. I didn’t expect to see how the people of Mexico are so loving, respectful, honoring, hardworking and caring. It just amazes me to see the power of God at work across the world. – Alexander
Being here has been a great blessing and joy while also being heartbreaking and heart wrenching. My journal is full of true stories of how the Lord met us on this trip. The vast experiences from ministering in the dump, the prison, the rehab centers and the small churches. It really enabled me to connect with what god meant when he said to love one another! Worshiping in a different culture with another language was also amazing. The passion of their workshop was such a blessing to my soul. It is hard to believe that I on this trip yet I find myself leaving here with blessings that are more than I could ever imagine! –Connie
I think the best thing for me was to recognize the joy and love of God these people have even through they have very little or nothing at all. I can’t say how much I heard different people say “God is good” or “I’m just waiting on the Lord!” At the dump, I told a lady I liked her hat, just to complement her and she gave it to me! She doesn’t even have a home and she wanted to bless me through her giving, with the little she has. Yet it is I whom has so much has difficulty letting things go. Through these people I have learned to hold on to my possessions loosely in order to bless others. This is what truly blessed me. – Debbie
I really enjoyed playing with the kids at Bethel. They are happy and full of love. They were also so patient as I stumbled through attempting to speak Spanish to them. I also was extremely touched by the worship. God really showed me that you didn’t have to understand the language to worship God. His love bridges the gap and forms the connection. I definitely am going home a different person and the people will go with me in memories and prayers. –Rebekah
I didn’t think I would be able to come to Mexico this year because I wasn’t
going to be able to come with my own church when Pastor Chris mentioned that I was welcome to come with his church. I took the offer right away. This is my 4th time here and each year it has been amazing. God has shown me His love through these kids and their happiness with so little. Especially when we asked the kids if they had any prayer requests and the first response we got was prayer for our group. They could have asked for anything but that’s what was important to them. – Brittany
God has moved in mighty ways on this trip. I have been stretched physically, socially and spiritually. One day we went to the dump and seeing the desperation and despair of these people made my heart heavy. But I was in a drama called “everything” and was able to offer them hope through that message. We were able to pray for the people and give them rice and beans and toilet paper. Another night we went to church at the orphanage and I shared my testimony not realizing he power of it until afterward when someone approached me about how it touched their life. Moments like these allow me to see the anointing of god in my life and His power to change lives with His love. –Hannah
I did not have any idea what to expect. When I signed up to come on the trip. It was so emotionally charged for me. To see the elderly shut-9ins and their dependence on the ministry just broke me. Aldaberto is Jesus in skin. He exudes the love of Jesus and is genuine and wants nothing. I am not only inspired but humbled by his love for those people. I will forever be changed. Each and every person will live in my heart. - Gloria