Friday, October 31, 2008


We have had a couple of slow weeks here to catch our breath before our next wave of groups. We are anxiously awaiting four different groups in November, and we will be very busy. During this time I have had the opportunity to make some videos which I will be sharing on this blog later on today. My wife continues with her work with the children. We are seeing new people coming to church thanks to the Medical clinic, and pastors, leaders and Bible School students are doing followup on folks who received Christ. Pedro and the boys are excited about God's hand moving through the cell group they are having. Over 30 people, young and old, attended last Monday. Pedro is also taking knowledge he has learned from a number of carpenters who have helped us, and together with the boys, he is making furniture. Our local Christmas visitors are starting to filter in to get information so that they can do their annual Christmas giving programs here at Caring Hearts. The Bible School is ready to start its next trimester, and they will have 20 new students. So though it seems slow, a lot is going on as usual at Caring Hearts. Check in often as we continue to update what God is doing through YOUR ministry to Mexico!

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