Monday, October 20, 2008


Juana and I went to the New Hope Church of God in Yuma to share about Caring Hearts and encouarge people with the word of God. We met Jim and Jackie Lacy 4 years ago, and through them, in a miraculous way, we met Pedro, our boy's home director. Jim recently took the pastorship of this church and invited us to come and preach. It was a blessing to fellowship with them and their church. We are hoping that they and other local churches will be a part of Caring Hearts as well.

I shared on the love of God. If we don't understand and receive it, we will never be able to love him (1 John 4:19). God is not a divine boss, angry judge or distant diety, He is our Heavenly Father, and we are His children. Those of you who are fathers or mothers, how much do you love your children? We know that God loves His children even more. If you struggle with God as your father because you did not have a loving earthly father, the Bible also says He loves us like a mother (Isaiah 66:12-13, Isaiah 49:15)

Have you ever considered how the eternal attributes of God affect His love for you? For example, we know that God is Omniscient, all knowing. He knows everything, if He didn't, we couldn't trust any prophesy. Do you realize that because God knows everything, that He cannot be disappointed with you? What is disappointment? It is when we expect someone do do something, and they don't, we are disappointed with them. If God knows all things, he knows when we are going to fail. In fact, when Jesus died on the Cross, He knew every sin you were going to commit your entire life, and yet He saved you anyway. God cannot be disappointed because he doesn't expect anything - He knows what you are going to do before you do it. Rest in that truth. We are often disappointed with ourselves, but our heavenly Father is looking down and comforting us, picking us up and saying keep going, I know the plans I have for you, the Good Works I prepared for you are waiting, keep moving ahead. I knew you were going to fall, but that does not change my love for you nor my ultimate plan for your life.

We also know that God is omnipotent. He is all powerful, he can do all things. Do you know what that means? We can all be His favorite child. There is enough of God to go around. God has a special love for each one of us, and because of His all powerful nature, we can consider ourselves His favorite. It is not like Jacob, who had Joseph as his favorite, causing problems in the family. God can call all His kids his favorite, because he is not bound by mortal boundaries that would hinder him from sharing an immense love to all of His Children, in an equal but special way for each one of us. God rejoices and sings over you (Zephaniah 3:17), do you hear Him singing a special song for you?

God bless and we hope to hear from you.

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