Friday, August 19, 2011


Here are some testimonies from the third group we hosted this Summer, along with some pictures.

Visiting the Blind Center

Movie Night at the Sombra Church

Ministering in the Rehab Center

Praying in the Rehab Center

God is working and moving in mighty ways! What a privilege and an honor to be included in this ministry. This week, I learned more than ever that once you’re a Christian, this life is not about us. It is about being used by God to reach a lost world for Jesus. He has bought us at a price, and what a joy it is to submit to being used by Him to be His hands and feet. If it is His will, I hope to return very soon. Soli Deo Gloria! – Brad 

Kids Ministry during Movie Night.  

This trip marks a declaration I have made to God. I desire to give Him everything. Every moment, Every breath. When we were traveling down here I realized that I was using this trip to run away from the mess that is my life at home. I felt so overwhelmed by all my problems. But this week, God shifted my focus. He used the many amazing experiences to touch my heart and make me realize that it is not about me… it is about Him. Seeing the lives of the people in San Luis and their hardship gave me a better perspective of the miniscule trials that I have in my own life. Through the empowering of Christ that I received here, I am eager to return and see God heal my life as I give it all to Him. – Brittany
Crowd arrives for movie night. 

This was my second trip to Caring Hearts orphanage and once again I have been blessed! The people of San Luis are gracious and loving, even though I came to minister to them they ministered to me. Thank you all for allowing me to come and share life with you this week. Dios le Bendiga! – Rebecca 

Prayer time during street ministry. 
I came down here excited to see everyone for my 5th trip. I expected to know what we would be doing and have fun doing it. Unfortunately, I ended up with an ear infection making everything much more challenging. Regardless this was my favorite of my 5 trips and I’m blessed to have gotten to serve with such an awesome group of people. – Brittany 

Sharing the word in the street. 
I came on this trip to conquer my fears of opening up what God has placed on my heart. Learning that is the attack of the enemy. I don’t have to worry about anyone judging me. We have al been there at least one time or another. Holding back when I may have something little to say and it could be a blessing somehow in a major way. I had no idea what o expect on this trip but I can tell you that I’ve shared, loved, matured and ultimately have grown close to the Lord. This is what it’s all about building His Kingdom. Losing myself in the Lord and Loving it! – Brandy 

Visiting Shut Ins
This was my second time and I am yet again blown away by the amazing time I have had. God has shown me miraculous things I had been asking to see, salvations staying in the spirit and more. I have disappointed myself with not being fully free of fear in speaking to people but there was victory for me to share with the Rehab center and the women’s jail.  I love the children with all my heart and the have a part of me here in San Luis. God bless the beautiful children of God from San Luis – Joanna 
Painting Oasis. 

Everytime I am here, something new grabs my attention. This year it was shut-in ministry. These people are truly needy and benefit greatly from our visits. I’m not sure if they are gaining all the benefits, though, because I learn something about myself and how God prompts my heart with a leaning for His people. Of all the wonderful things Caring Hearts does in San Luis, the shut-ins is one of my favorite ministries. – Kay

Painting Oasis
I went to the drug rehab center with about 5 other people from our group. At the beginning of a testimony Mario asked to see the hands who were “forced” to come to listen to us speak. About 6-8 people raised their hands. After we all shared we asked those who wanted to accept Christ as their King to raise their hands and almost all of those who were “forced” to come raised their hands, along with about 20 other people. This showed me how awesome and powerful our God is. I saw 30 or more people come up and ask for prayer. It really blessed me and impacted me in a way that is hard to explain. Exodus 15:11 “Who among the gods is like you, o Lord? Who is like you – majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders?” – Victoria 

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