Psalm 126:3
“The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.”
Living in the Northeast there is only one thing I like about January; it is the beginning of a brand new year with 365 opportunities for me to serve God and for Him to do the wonderful things He does.
Forty years ago I was a lost and confused young man with no future. But God had a plan, He always does. I could never have dreamed that I would become a Christian, be blessed with a wonderful wife, three children and seven grandchildren and called to be a Pastor.
I had an earthly perspective not a heavenly one and I didn’t have a vision. But now I do. The first time I went to San Luis twenty years ago, all I saw was broken down orphanage, a small soup kitchen and a lot of hurting people. I had no idea that Bethel Orphanage would be transformed into a beautiful haven for these precious children. I didn’t envision Oasis Boy’s Home, Caring Hearts Church, Doers of the Word Bible school, the growth of Brother Jose’s Good Samaritan Feeding Ministry, medical mission’s trips, hundreds of groups going down to help, and now a ministry to the blind.
God thinks so big and we think so small. Who knows what God is going to do in San Luis through Caring Hearts Ministries in 2011. We need to pray for our Mexican brothers and sisters as their nation goes through such a dark and violent time.
But God has a plan for Mexico that no one can imagine and no one can stop! Thank you for giving, going and praying. May the Lord do great things for you in this coming year
God bless you Pastor Gary